We Watch Films by Minnow Mountain

Minnow Mountain is an American animation studio founded by Steph Swope and Craig Staggs. Steph and Craig bring their respective backgrounds in independent film and computer graphics together to create their style of unique, engaging stories and visuals. The company is based in Austin, Texas, and produces a variety of animated films for television, streaming platforms, and feature theatrical releases.


The studio is best known for Tower, the studio's critically acclaimed film about the University of Texas Tower shooting in 1966. Through archival footage, interviews, and rotoscope animation, director Keith Maitland brings to life the events of that day, showing how a group of students and citizens worked together to help save lives.

The film follows student-athlete and ex-Marine Charles Whitman as he ascends the iconic campus tower, as well as the people affected by his actions. With a sympathetic and humanizing approach, Tower lays bare the tragedy of mass shootings in America. It is an emotional and powerful film that powerfully conveys the horror and grief of these events, while also giving voice to those whose lives changed forever on that day. By fusing animation with archival material, Minnow Mountain gives the incident a unique and thought-provoking perspective.

Tower offers an unflinching look at one of the worst mass shootings in United States history, as well as its lasting impacts on those involved. It is a powerful reminder of how these events can shape people’s lives forever. By offering viewers a unique visual experience, Minnow Mountain has created an unforgettable and essential addition to the conversation on gun violence.

Tower on Wikipedia


Undone is an animated series that follows the story of Alma, a young woman whose life is thrown into disarray when she discovers her newfound ability to time travel. With the help of a mysterious figure from her past, Alma embarks on a journey through space and time to unlock the secrets of her family's history. Through visual storytelling and rotoscope animation, the series explores themes of identity and family dynamics. The animation techniques used by Minnow Mountain allow for a unique viewing experience that brings Alma's journey to life in an imaginative and captivating way. From its stunning visuals to its thought-provoking narrative, Undone is an innovative show that promises to take viewers on a remarkable ride.

In addition to its creative storytelling, Undone has earned an impressive 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The series has been praised for its unpredictable plot and strong characters, as well as its unique animation style. Critics have lauded the show's ability to merge comedy and drama in a way that feels fresh and exciting. The universal themes explored throughout Undone have resonated with viewers of all ages, making it a must-watch for fans of animation and science-fiction alike.

Undone is an ambitious series that takes its viewers on an unforgettable journey. With its captivating story and innovative visuals, it's no surprise that the show has earned critical acclaim and has been met with praise from viewers around the world. If you're looking for a visually stunning and thought-provoking series, Undone is worth checking out.

Undone on Wikipedia

Apollo 10 1⁄2: A Space Age Childhood

Taking inspiration loosely from the childhood of producer, writer, and director Richard Linklater, the film Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood tells the deeply personal story of a group of youngsters born in 1969, in Houston, Texas, who experienced the first Moon landing and its aftermath. Through the narration by Jack Black and a mix of visual and thematic ingredients, the film captures the spirit of space exploration at its best - with all its wonder, excitement, and intergalactic dreams.

The space program was a source of great inspiration to many children in the '60s and '70s, as was evident in Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood. The film follows the exploits of a group of space-crazed youngsters, whose imagination and enthusiasm for space exploration are no less than what one might expect from an astronaut. Through their eyes, we get to witness the American life then, the would-be first moon landing, as well as its risks - all through the emotional journey of these children.

Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood is told through two interwoven perspectives - the mission control view and the perspective of the fourth grader, who is looking on from a much different angle. This duality allows for a more complete representation of the moon landing mission and its successes, as well as its struggles, leading up to the triumphant moment of the first moon landing.

When Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood trailer hit, the release date was set for April 2022 on Netflix and garnered a generally favorable review upon premier.

Apollo 10 1⁄2: A Space Age Childhood on Wikipedia


From their stunningly beautiful short films to their heartwarming feature-length masterpieces, Minnow Mountain's productions are a must-watch for any animation fan. With colorful characters and attention to detail in each frame of their movies, it's easy to see why they have won multiple awards for excellence in animation.

Not only are their stories engaging, but the studio also emphasizes diverse representation and storytelling. So, if you’re looking for a unique and memorable animated film experience, look no further than Minnow Mountain.


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