WHURLEY: Quantum Computing For Texans

Implanting chips into your brain, inter-dimensional travel and quantum computing.  Just a few years ago this would have all seemed like science fiction but in this day and age, we’re able to achieve some extraordinary things. 

Today I’m joined by tech entrepreneur and investor William Hurley, better known for his open-source community name ‘whurley’. 

Whurley knows his stuff about technology, the recent advancements we’ve been making and what’s really possible in the future. 

Now I’m far from an intellect when it comes to things like quantum computing and open source software, but whurley dumbs it down for me in a way I can understand. 

We talk about the different things technology is enabling us to do, how we got here, and the moral implications involved with where we’re heading. We cover sci-fi stuff like interplanetary species, time travel, or whether we are in a simulation and how real our reality is. We also break down Elon Musk and SpaceX and how the Flat Earth movement and other conspiracy theories impact us.

An incredibly clever man I’m left with my head spinning about travelling to other planets as some kind of advanced multi-limbed superhuman...

“Sometimes as creators, inventors and scientists, we spend so much time wondering if we can do something that we never stop to think if we should.” - whurley

Time Stamps:

06:38 - What it’s like to succeed during Covid and the guilt that comes with that success.
09:31 - The difficulties with launching a product while promotional events are cancelled.
15:54 - What a quantum computer is and where the term ‘quantum’ comes from.
23:43 - How quantum computing affects us in our day to day lives.
25:07 - Elon Musk, the team behind him, and how he’s planning on getting to Mars.
27:18 - The value of inter-dimensional travel and the moral issues involved with it.
33:38 - Planting chips in your brain and the beneficial ways that can be used.
37:55 - The future of biohacking and the moral implications of where we’re heading.
49:44 - The possibilities of time travel.
58:57 - The importance of open source and why it’s so valuable. 


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