Two-Time Gold Medalist Vincent Hancock Returns to Defend Olympic Gold in Japan

My guest today is Vincent Hancock Olympic record holder and world record holder, a 2-time Olympic gold medalist, and 4-time world champion at skeet shooting.

He specializes in shooting shotguns, but we also talk about other firearms, as he knows his way around pretty much anything.

Talk about dedication, sacrifice, and discipline - this guy shoots over 20 thousand rounds a year to practice and explains to me exactly what his training entails.  

We talk a little bit about guns and gun control and then about his journey and how much it took to get to where he is today. Even after winning gold medals, he still observes what he’s doing and tries to make adjustments. That’s how people become the greatest in the world at what they do.

Another inspiring Olympian who’s heading to Japan; it’s a pleasure to talk to such a skilled and interesting fellow Texan...  

“I love to win, but I hate to lose.” - Vincent Hancock

Time Stamps:

00:00 - Introducing our guest Vincent Hancock.   
07:04 - How often Olympic athletes from different sports meet each other.
10:22 - How long it takes to train for skeet shooting.
12:05 - When Vincent first shot a gun and how he got into competitive shooting.
15:43 - The differences in competitive shooting categories.
18:50 - How muscle memory works and the importance of not overtraining.
21:54 - When Vincent realized he had potential as a competitive shooter.
24:03 - The importance of parental support and why you need to be cocky.
28:39 - Who Vincent’s biggest competition is.
32:00 - The importance of constantly practicing your sport.
33:10 - The changes that have happened in the sport since Vincent started 20 years ago.
37:35 - What it feels like to lose a competition.
40:33 - Playing Call of Duty and how realistic the game is.
46:07 - The different firearms Vincent owns and hunts with.
48:40 - The safety of shooting sports.
54:17 - Why did Vincent take 9 months off and how that helped him in his sport.
59:05 - The expectations that come with being a professional athlete.  


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